Embrace the Harmony of Hope: Giving Voice to the Silenced!

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Afghanistan Freehormonic Orchestra

The Afghanistan Freeharmonic Orchestra - or AFO - is a group of committed Afghan and international musicians from around the world of all nationalities.

Founded by Qudrat Wasefi and Dan Blackwell, the musicians of this ever-expanding, unique group, collaborate virtually to record original pieces and arrangements. Our main focus is Afghan music, which has been silenced since the Taliban takeover. We also incorporate Western and other global musical styles and genres.

Right now, this moment, Afghan musicians are being silenced, their instruments destroyed, and their freedoms are being taken away. With so many forced to flee their homes to all corners of the globe, the AFO aims to unite displaced Afghan musicians and include musicians of all nationalities to join in solidarity to promote peace, freedom, and music.

Beyond the music, it is AFO’s mission to give a platform and a voice to those who need their stories heard. The more we understand exactly what is happening in Afghanistan by seeing and hearing the real people behind the headlines, the more we connect, the more we all can do to help.

Though almost all of our members are displaced and apart from each other, it’s our ambition to one day gather together and perform a live concert for a live audience.

Meet the Team

qudrat profile

Qudrat Wasefi

Trumpet, Composer

sid profile

Siddique Ahmad

instrumentalist & Producer

dan profile

Dan Blackwell

composer, producer

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The Afghanistan Freeharmonic Orchestra (AFO) unites musicians around the world so the sounds of freedom and hope are heard in even the darkest places.

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